F&MWomen'sBasketballphoto by Tyler Schechter

Contributing Writer

Saturday’s senior game, played in honor of Shea Costantino, Emma Lisle, Kristina McCarthy, and Sam Plunkett, served as an opportunity not only to reflect on the seniors’ con-

tributions to the women’s basketball program as a whole but also to look forward to their ambitions for their post-F&M lives. It also allowed the junior class to step up and fill in the leadership roles of the team.

Muhlenberg College responded to a well-fought first half score of 33-33 by taking the second half with a score of 37-25, resulting in the 70-58 loss for the Diplomats.

All four seniors started the game, each making solid contributions to the team’s offensive and defensive play. McCarthy led in shooting with 22 points, while Lisle notched 15 rebounds. Muhlenberg’s Leanna Tallamy and Leeann Lanza clutched only 20 points and nine rebounds respectively, but the Mules showed off the depth of their bench as their reserves sank an impressive 35 points.

In the pre-game introduction speeches, Kirsten Richter, head coach of the women’s basketball team, gratefully acknowledged each senior’s valued contributions to the leadership of the team.

McCarthy reflected on her past four years, “I wouldn’t have done it any differently.”

McCarthy is looking ahead to a career in marketing.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do without basketball,” she said.

She is excited for the upcoming final home game and for passing things down to the junior class, which will be playing in its own senior game before long.

“It’s like a family of 15 girls; we drive our coach nuts,” McCarthy said.

With a record of 3-20, 1-15 CC, the Diplomats hope to take down Gettysburg College in Wednesday night’s Play 4 Kay Breast Cancer Awareness game.

Come out to the Mayser Center on Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. to send off the women’s basketball team seniors with a great show of support, for not only their four years with the team but also for this final home game’s cause.

First-year Sierra Blazer is a contributing writer. Her email is sblazer@ fandm.edu.