Photo courtesy of Teagan Durkin.

On November 15th, the Philadelphia Alumni Writers House hosted its annual Thanksgiving potluck. Preparation had been well underway for weeks beforehand. Writers House employees were hard at work crafting dozens upon dozens of hand-turkeys and preparing what some would justly call the best mashed potatoes ever. Some crowd favorites for hand turkeys were the Harry Potter crew, with Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley all in their feathered poultry attendance. However, Thanksgiving attendees were also treated to Pedro Pascal, bedecked with chest hair and a wattle. 

Regarding the food, only one word could capture the magnificent feast laid out:




Okay, perhaps three words could capture how absolutely incredible the Writers House Friendsgiving banquet was that evening. Partnering with the Joseph International Center, a spread of desserts spanning from almond cookies to baklava. Strawberry roll cake and chocolate petit-fours. Red licorice strands and tea biscuits. For the main course, it would be easier to recount what was not available on the table that night. There were plentiful amounts of turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, brussel sprouts, empanadas, cranberry sauce in both jelly and jam form, and green beans. After a child of one of the professors sliced open the ribbon separating the Friendsgiving feast from the hungry attendees, people lined up on both sides of the table and piled up their plates high. Once everyone was served, people dispersed throughout the Writers House. One group settled into the kitchen’s back stairway, while another gathered in the couches beneath the balcony. Conversation ebbed and flowed, but laughter was always present and heard. 

The atmosphere throughout the evening was in high spirits. Faculty, professors, and students were all in abundant attendance. Later in the evening, the annual “No-Talent Talent Show” was hosted. Along with a stunning attempt at Mariah Carey’s All I Want for Christmas is You, several students also read original poetry and performed musical numbers. In particular, Veronique, a sophomore at F&M, read a personally written piece that left the room in stunned silence, which was then followed by resounding applause.

However, one has to wonder why the Writers House did not imitate the White House—  two very important institutions— and pardon a turkey too. Mayhaps a tradition to initiate in future years?

Sophomore Teagan Durkin is the Arts & Leisure Copy Editor. Her email is