Monday, October 26th
Mike Pence’s Aides Test Positive for COVID-19: Pence Fails to Follow CDC Guidelines
Amy Coney Barrett is Confirmed to the Supreme Court
Tuesday, October 27th
COVID-19 Cases Hit an All-Time Peak, Surpassing Summer Records
Systemic Racism Exposed at the Virginia Military Institute
Wednesday, October 28th
The Supreme Court Rules on Key Mail-in Voting Cases
McConnell Adjourns the Senate- Without a Relief Bill

Thursday, October 29th
Fauci Warns Americans About a “Whole Lot of Pain” in the Winter Ahead
The Death of Walter Wallace Jr.: Philadelphia Reacts
Three Killed in Horrific Attack in Nice, France
Friday, October 30th
“Don’t End Up a Real Ghost!”: How Countries are Bracing for Halloween During a Pandemic
Texas Early Voting Surpasses 2016 Total Turnout
Unrest Continues in Washington State Following Vigil For Black Man Shot and Killed By Sheriffs

Saturday, October 31st
Happy Halloween! What Experts Say About COVID-Friendly Celebration- (Hint: It’s Not Trick-or-Treating…)
Once in a “Blue Moon”, this Natural Event Occurs…
Magnitude 7 Earthquake Devastates Greece
Closing Night of Head Over Heels
An End to the Election Season- Or Is It?
Predictions for an unprecedented election cycle seem to change every hour; to keep your finger on the pulse of national politics, tune in to the daily NPR Politics Podcast. There is no better time to be alert, educated, and involved.
If you have not yet voted, visit: https://www.fandm.edu/votes/voting-in-pennsylvania-in-2020 to answer any and all questions. Remember, your vote is your voice- make it count!
Finally, don’t forget to watch this Tuesday as election season draws to a close. Still, don’t expect to see results by midnight, as mail-in ballot counting may keep this contest rolling through the end of the week. Check back with the College Reporter for updates.
COVID-19 on the Rise: Doing Your Part
Though F&M is currently keeping their cases low according to their PORT Weekly Reports, COVID-19 outbreaks are on the rise all over the country, as well as hospitalizations due to the virus. From Wisconsin to North Dakota to Florida, states are struggling to keep COVID under control.
That is why we must continue to do our part here as best we can in an effort to protect ourselves and the health of others. Continue to wear masks, social distance, wash your hands, and adhere to all other COVID-19 safety guidelines!
The Civil Rights Movement Continues
The fight against police brutality continues in the wake of the deaths of Walter Wallace Jr. in West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Kevin Edward Peterson Jr. in Clark County, Washington. Unrest persists just three days before the election, and the impact of the protests on the outcome is uncertain.
Campus Events
- 11/2/2020
- IES Abroad in Paris Info Session
- CEC Monday Trivia Night
- Election Chat Drop-in Hours Hosted by the DEI Team (2-4 PM)
- 11/3/2020
- Election Chat Drop-in Hours Hosted by the DEI Team (10-12 PM)
- 11/4/2020
- Common Hour @ 1:30 PM: Fear and Loathing in Our Discourse: Dangerous Speech and What To Do About It
- Election Chat Drop-in Hours Hosted by the DEI Team (2-4 PM)
- 11/5/2020
- Election Chat Drop-in Hours Hosted by the DEI Team (10-12 PM)
- 11/6/2020
- Election Chat Drop-in Hours Hosted by the DEI Team (2-4 PM)