Monday, November 2nd
States Brace for Unprecedented Coronavirus Wave
Hurricane Eta Threatens Central America
Johnny Depp Loses Libel Cases Against Amber Heard

Tuesday, November 3rd
An Anticlimactic Election Night
Miami Dade County Pushes Trump to an Unexpected Florida Win
Wednesday, November 4th
Professors Medvic and Schousen Provide an Election Debrief
The Senate Majority Remains Unknown

Thursday, November 5th
Trump Falsely Claims Victory
ESPN Cuts 500 in Latest COVID-19 Layoffs
Friday, November 6th
The United States Charts a Record Number of COVID-19 Cases… Again
Saturday, November 7th
Vice President Joe Biden Declared President-Elect
Trump Refuses to Concede
Is a Trump Concession in Sight?
Following the projection of former Vice President Joe Biden’s victory for the presidency, Donald Trump has shown no move toward concession. Censored by Twitter, the President tweeted, “I WON THIS ELECTION, BY A LOT!” just as the counts continued to tell the opposite story.
Unlike the tradition executed by many before him, especially in recent history with Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney, and John McCain, it does not seem that Trump plans to follow through with a concession of his own to Biden. Instead, Trump is following up with lawsuits, demands for recounts, and an abundance of fact-checked claims made on social media.
Coronavirus Records Continue to Shatter: A Dark Winter Approaches
With over 200,000 deaths and nearly 10 million total cases in the United States, COVID-19 continues to take a massive toll. Rates continue to increase; according to CNN, on Friday, November 6th, the U.S. reached over 125,000 daily coronavirus cases—a new record for the United States. In Lancaster County, the number of COVID-19 hospitalizations has created a new peak, the highest amount since June. Six new cases have also arisen in the White House.
In the last round of PORT Testing at Franklin & Marshall College, 4 out of 478 students tested were positive. Those on campus are implored to continue taking the necessary precautions and follow the required guidelines to ensure the safety of themselves and others.
Module 2 Drawing to a Close
As Module 2 comes to an end (with classes finishing on November 20th and finals ending December 2nd), students are becoming accustomed to the fast pace of this new system. Class registration begins Monday, November 9th, for Seniors, so students should make sure to log on at 11:00 PM with their desired classes in mind.
Freshmen will leave campus in two weeks and should prepare by signing up for a move-out date and time. As the fall semester draws to a close, first-years will transition online before Thanksgiving and for final exams.
Campus Events
- 11/9/2020
- Group B COVID Testing
- Election Chat Drop-In Hours @ 10-12 PM
- Class of 2021 Spring and J-Term Registration Begins @ 11 PM
- 11/10/2020
- Group B COVID Testing
- Election Chat Drop-In Hours @ 2-4 PM
- Class of 2021 Spring and J-Term Registration Ends @ 10:59 PM
- Class of 2022 Spring and J-Term Registration Begins @ 11:00 PM
- 11/11/2020
- Election Chat Drop-In Hours @ 10-12 PM
- Common Hour: “Making Language Work: Powerful Words for Powerful Divisions. Lessons and Mistakes from an Irish Peacemaker & Poet” @ 1:30 PM
- Class of 2022 Spring and J-Term Registration Ends @ 10:59 PM
- Class of 2023 Spring and J-Term Registration Begins @ 11:00 PM
- 11/12/2020
- Election Chat Drop-In Hours @ 2-4 PM
- Class of 2023 Spring and J-Term Registration Ends @ 10:59 PM
- Class of 2024 Spring and J-Term Registration Begins @ 11:00 PM
- Writers House Commune Meeting @ 5:30 PM
- 11/13/2020
- Election Chat Drop-In Hours @ 10-12 PM
- Class of 2024 Spring and J-Term Registration Ends @ 10:59 PM
- DEI Team Drop-in Hours @ 10 AM-2 PM