Oil painting as creative medium, joy in underrated form of art
By Sojin Shin || Op Eds Editor The joy of oil painting: not watercolor, not gauche, not acrylic, and not kiddie paint. They are all fun, though! What image comes…
The independent student newspaper of Franklin & Marshall College
By Sojin Shin || Op Eds Editor The joy of oil painting: not watercolor, not gauche, not acrylic, and not kiddie paint. They are all fun, though! What image comes…
By Sojin Shin || Op Eds Editor Have you ever seen a starry night? For those of us from urban areas (or students who have spent too long here in…
By Sojin Shin || Op-Eds Editor Journey to the West, a faculty directed TDF play based on a Chinese legend, was cancelled a week before its premiere due to controversies…
By Sojin Shin || Contributing Writer Sometime last week, I stopped by Mein Bowl to grab sushi. It cost me a swipe and 1.09 Flex. After that, I started walking…
By Sojin Shin || Contributing Writer At a glance, student journalism may seem like an obsolete concept. After all, social media has made access to information very easy. Almost all…
By Sojin Shin || Contributing Writer We all remember the flyers on the walls of Stager last year, with those oddly pixelated, eerie eyes of Martin Luther King Jr. looming…