Deadpool arrives full of quality insults, excessive gore
By Preman Koshar || Arts & Entertainment Editor Deadpool is not your normal superhero film. He isn’t really a hero, and there’s language that would make Captain America’s hair stand…
The independent student newspaper of Franklin & Marshall College
By Preman Koshar || Arts & Entertainment Editor Deadpool is not your normal superhero film. He isn’t really a hero, and there’s language that would make Captain America’s hair stand…
By Luke Rosica || Contributing Writer I love Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead trilogy. I love it because they are such unique movies. Some people might say that The Evil Dead…
By Preman Koshar || Arts & Entertainment Editor Steven Spielberg is, undoubtedly, a very talented man. His work is often praised as powerful and original. Yet, somehow, whenever I watch…
By Erin Moyer || Senior Editor When I first heard the name “Ginuwine,” I was watching Parks & Recreation and thought it was a joke. A clever joke, actually. I…
By Preman Koshar || Arts & Entertainment Editor Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, we have our Best Picture Oscar winner. The Revenant has long been predicted to be this…
By Erin Moyer || Senior Editor On Friday, I ate dinner at the Uno Pizzeria in Union Station in Washington, D.C. More crucially, though, I ate dinner with the future.…
By Preman Koshar || Arts & Entertainment Editor This review is now several weeks late, due to winter break and the delayed start of The College Reporter, but here it…
By Julia Cinquegrani || Editor-in-Chief The holiday season started early for scores of Stars Hollow fans, when on October 19 news leaked that Gilmore Girls will be revived on Netflix…
By Preman Koshar || Arts & Entertainment Editor Zoolander is an unusual movie, to say the least. Directed by and starring Ben Stiller, it makes a mockery of the fashion…
By Erin Moyer || Senior Editor As Liz Lemon once told a pregnant teenager, “There are so many different things for men to ignore you on now.” The context of…
By Preman Koshar || Arts & Entertainment Editor This week, for a change of pace, I’ll be reviewing a modern Disney classic: Ratatouille. I had seen Ratatouille before, not long…
By Erin Moyer || Senior Editor Hello, it’s me. I was wondering if after all these articles, you’d like to hear from me. Well, you’ve probably heard enough from me,…
By Preman Koshar || Arts & Entertainment Editor I recently saw Spectre, the latest James Bond film, at the theaters. I am, perhaps, a poor choice of a reviewer for…
By Erin Moyer || Senior Editor I believe, as elderly page Kenneth Parcell once asserted, that television is the true American art form. I believe there are certain moments within…
By Erin Moyer || Senior Editor Now, um, usually I don’t do this but uh….Go head’ on and break ‘em off wit a lil’ preview of the throwback. Okay, well,…