Diplomatic Congress diplomatic.congress@fandm.edu

Wed, Jul 15, 11:30 AM

Dear Students:

The COVID-19 Student Task Force is working in collaboration with the College administration and the Re-Opening Operations Team (ROOT) to draft a COVID-19 Student Agreement: a document that will outline best practices to keep our community safe as we resume residential learning. In order to ensure that the Task Force is aware of all student concerns and suggestions pertaining to this Agreement and are able to serve as the best possible representatives for the student body, we have created a COVID-19 Student Agreement Input Form.

Click HERE to access the COVID-19 Student Agreement Input Form

As the College is hoping to release the Agreement in the near future, we ask that you complete this short form no later than this Sunday, July 19th.

Our goal is to ensure that students from all backgrounds and sectors of campus play an active role in shaping this Agreement. Thank you in advance for your valued input on this matter.

The COVID-19 Student Task Force

Shubh Punj ’21 (he/his)  – President of the Student Body 
Makaila Ranges ‘22 (she/her)  – Vice President of the Student Body 
Zoey Pham ‘22 (she/her)  – Treasurer 
Ali Husaini ‘22 (he/his)  – Parliamentarian
Amanda Leonard ‘22 (she/her) –  Communications Director 
Ayana Stuart ‘21 (she/her)  – Executive Officer, Social Justice & Equity