Opinion & Editorial Editor

As a junior, my continuing attachment to Ware College House might seem a bit out of the ordinary to some people (probably people that did not live in Ware), but as a member of Parliament and someone who happily and willingly lived in the House for two years, I believe Ware has shaped much of my college experience; however, I believe I am not in the minority with this love. So, this summer when visiting the campus to meet up with some friends, seeing what we hoped was an untruthful myth come to be real was quite upsetting: the balconies had been removed from all the Bonchek and Ware dormitories.

Don’t get me wrong: I completely understand why these balconies had to be removed. I know they were a safety hazard (despite my resentful “one student at some other school jumps and now they think we’re all going to jump” attitude) and that students were potentially using them for illicit activities, but for those of us who liked them as not only a nice place to relax but also an aesthetic element, it’s sad to see them go. So while this change was unsurprising, it was sad to see the rumors of the balcony disappearence come to fruition. The memories made on the Ware balconies, no matter how simple or insignificant, still seemed quite important.

We were weaned off these balconies early—we chose to live in a triple sophomore year under the belief we would have direct access to our very own, but then in the Fall found it sealed off—but this does not change the memories I have of relaxing on them freshman year. And with this realization, I know that the disappearance of the Ware balconies are less tragic because of their actual elimination and more upsetting because, to me, they represent an escape from the craziness of everyday F&M life. So I suppose at this point, I must find a new “Ware balcony” to enjoy in this way.

As always, a new year brings changes. I am always happy to see parts of the campus grow and flourish, but am always met with some sadness as I see sources of enjoyment and entertainment disappear because of liability. So as sad as I am to see the balconies go, I know it is simply indicative of the fact that Ware is growing and changing before our eyes, an undeniably bittersweet truth.

Though I will miss the getaway spot of the Ware balconies, I think the moments of relaxation they brought us teach us a very valuable lesson: as we start a busy and exhausting new year, we should all work to find bliss in the simple activities, such as lounging on the quad (even if it’s not quite as nice as the balconies) or the few free moments between classes. Find your own figurative balcony to remove yourself from the craziness for a little while, and have a terrific start to the year, F&M!

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