PORT Announcements announce-port@fandm.edu

Tue, Oct 13, 5:16 PM

F&M COVID-19 Alert Level as of October 13, 2020

F&M COVID-19 Update as of October 13, 2020

Full-Time Students Total2260
Students In-Residence or Commuting1479
COVID-19 Indicator#As % of Students In-Residence or Commuting
In Quarantine* On Campus(at risk and waiting for test result)20.1%
In Isolation On Campus (positive test)00.0%
In Quarantine* at Home10.1%
In Isolation at Home (positive test)00.0%
In Hospital00.0%
Cumulative Positive Tests Since Arrival (Entry/Surveillance testing plus clinical work)19
Current Active Cases of COVID-19(individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 and are still in isolation)00.0%

*In Quarantine indicators include students who were identified as contacts in contact tracing or are symptomatic, but not confirmed positives. 

Additional data, including entry testing, surveillance testing, wastewater testing, and FPS testing is available in F&M’s COVID-19 Dashboard.

F&M COVID-19 Update Notes

  • Of the two individuals in quarantine, one is in Schnader and one is in off-campus housing.

Pandemic Operations Updates

  • For Module 2, we revised our COVID-19 testing strategy to implement, 1) a more sophisticated approach to handling positive wastewater test results, and 2) modified universal testing, which tests a subset of the campus population (Group A, B, and C) each week. Individuals in Group A were tested yesterday (10/12) and today (10/13). Modified universal testing will continue every Monday and Tuesday for the rest of the term. For more information on our new testing strategy, please see the newly updated COVID-19 testing and screening section on our website.
  • We received notice of a positive wastewater test for Ware College House on Friday (10/9). In light of our new testing strategy, and given that a previous recent wastewater sample from Ware House also tested positive and resulted in no positive* individual tests, we did not require the residents of Ware to quarantine. We asked Ware residents to exercise an abundance of caution in their adherence to the College’s health and safety protocols over the weekend, and yesterday and today, we tested all of the Ware residents and Ware employees for COVID-19.
  • Students transitioning to living and/or learning on campus for the first time in Module 2 were required either to present documentation of a recent negative test or to quarantine upon arrival on campus, participate in this week’s testing, and stay in quarantine until they receive a negative test result.

Campus Reminders

  • Save the date for a town hall with the members of PORT! There will be an opportunity for students and their families on Wednesday, October 21 at 5:30 p.m. EDT. The session will be recorded. An invitation with more information will follow soon.
  • Congrats on the start of Module 2! We look forward to a successful final six weeks of the term.

* A correction was issued Oct 13, 2020, 7:41 PM indicating a typo that has been corrected in this announcement