PORT Announcements announce-port@fandm.edu

Tue, Dec 15, 5:06 PM

F&M COVID-19 Alert Level as of December 15, 2020

F&M COVID-19 Update as of December 15, 2020

F&M’s COVID-19 Dashboard as of Dec. 15 is available on the pandemic operations information website.

All previous dashboards are available in the COVID-19 dashboard archive.

F&M COVID-19 Update Notes

  • The F&M COVID-19 Alert Level remains at the High Alert Level due to the current increase in external COVID-19 indicators.
  • While campus is closed for the extended winter break from Dec. 21 through Jan. 3, the F&M COVID-19 Dashboard will provide only external COVID-19 indicators for the U.S., Pennsylvania, and Lancaster County. For more frequent updates on external indicators, visit the Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and CDC data trackers.
  • We will resume tracking campus indicators when students return for the spring term. During December and January, the dashboard will be updated weekly on Tuesdays. We will resume semiweekly (Tuesday and Friday) dashboard updates the week of Jan. 25.

Pandemic Operations Updates

  • The College’s administrative offices will be closed Dec. 21 – Jan. 3, and will reopen on Jan. 4. During this time, PORT will not be updating the COVID-19 dashboard on the website. The next biweekly PORT report will be released on Jan. 5. We will resume sharing PORT reports weekly on Jan. 26.
  • F&M will reopen in the spring with a staggered return to campus during the last week of January, a de-densified campus population, a more robust COVID-19 testing program, and community-led mitigating behaviors mandated by the F&M Pledge, such as required mask-wearing and physical distancing. 

Campus Reminders

  • The F&M campus is currently closed. Other than the Student Wellness Center (SWC), the Counseling Center, Facilities Management (F&O), and the Department of Public Safety, on-site campus services will remain closed during the extended winter break. Hours for the SWC and the Counseling Center are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The SWC will be closed Dec. 19 – Jan. 3 for the holidays.
  • We strongly encourage students who are currently staying in their college-approved off-campus housing over the break to remain vigilant in following the F&M Pledge and the health and safety guidelines set by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Wear a mask. Keep your distance. Limit in-person social interactions. Treat every person, including friends, as if they have the virus. Discuss the available information and your individual circumstances with your family and consider going home, if possible, for the duration of the winter break. 
  • We request that students who have not yet returned to their college-approved, off-campus housing for the spring wait to return to their residence until the last week of January, when the College will be offering arrival testing for all students. Students who need to return early are strongly encouraged to get a COVID-19 test 72 hours before their return, quarantine according to CDC guidelines upon their arrival to Lancaster, and follow Pennsylvania’s November 25 travel mitigation order and all other travel guidelines established by the Commonwealth or their place of residence.

Updated information is always available for your convenience on the College’s pandemic operations information website.