Full Staff Opinion
You know what we realized today? We, as a staff, really hate April. We really do. It always seems that this month is the most stressful, heavily-programmed time of the year. It’s too easy to get bogged down by all of the events and talks, all of the sunshine and last-minute spurts of nostalgia. Throw a couple of twenty-page papers in the mix, and you know there’s going to be some angst. Yet we want to stymie your woes, F&M. Do not despair. We are here to tell you that though April may often feel like the autumn of our days–quite literally, even, if this most recent weather forecast is to be believed–we have so much to look forward to!
The Emerging Writers Festival: If you haven’t been to the Emerging Writers Festival yet, you are really missing a gem. We mean, this week has everything: up-and-coming writers, astonishingly talented people, and so many fabulous things. After all, the end of the year is a perfect time to celebrate the intellectual and artistic accomplishments of your peers.
Spring Arts Festival: Yeah, you knew this was going to be on the list. As the weather gets nicer, take some time to relax out on the green. Get out of the library and de-stress with free food and good music before those finals rear their ugly heads.
Senior Week: After four years of hard work, you seniors deserve one last hurrah. Get together with your classmates, reminisce on your most embarrassing freshman year moments (pics or it didn’t happen), and just enjoy spending these last few weeks together.
Explore Lancaster: Get off campus! Go! Yes! Explore! You won’t be here for another three months–or, in the case of you graduating seniors (sorry to remind us all), for who knows how long. Lanc is trendy! Take some time to get into the city, go to Central Market, try out a new restaurant, or check out some of the galleries downtown.Take advantage of the city while you can!
These are all four great ideas, not to brag or anything. But as you well know, this campus and this city are chock-full of even more great things. Go to them. This campus was great once, and it can be great again.