President Trump has not been shy in his public condemnation of the media. His disdain towards “fake news” has escalated into a growing battle between Trump and his administration against the press. The staff of The College Reporter feels strongly that antagonizing the media is a dangerous and anti-American stance that could have some dastardly consequences.
Freedom of press is one of the core foundations that this country is built upon. Suppressing the press takes away the American voice, our very right to speak freely about the state of our society and our leaders. Having freedom of press allows for a balanced society, in which even the president is suspect to criticism. Attacking the media is inappropriate and un-American. Countries, such as North Korea, who have similar attitudes towards the media are authoritarian regimes, opposing all American values. The American people have to remain firm in their convictions, continuing their efforts to exercise their fundamental right to speak and write freely.
The editors at the College Reporter will continue to write about current issues, especially what is happening in the Oval Office. Bias on both sides is inevitable, but in the grand scheme of things, journalism is a bipartisan practice that is rudimentary for a free and democratic society.