Deb Moriarty

Thu, Oct 1, 2:36 PM

Dear Students,

It is hard to believe, but Module 1 is drawing to a close and finals begin in exactly one week. The new module system has presented both challenges and opportunities, which you have approached with the courage, optimism, and determination I’ve quickly come to understand are defining characteristics of F&M students. I am confident you will finish strong.

Although we needed to eliminate the typical fall break from this year’s academic calendar, next weekend will be a wonderful opportunity to pause and recharge – free from classes, assignments, and looming deadlines – between Module 1 and 2. As we approach this short break between the fall term modules, we request that students currently living and learning on campus  – and those who will be joining us on campus in Module 2  – be mindful of F&M’s guidance on travel in order to protect the health and safety of the community. The College strongly recommends that off-campus travel during the school year be undertaken only if absolutely necessary, and that students refrain from traveling outside of the Lancaster area.

Students who travel outside of the United States, or to any state with high numbers of COVID-19 cases as determined by the Pennsylvania Department of Health, during the term will be required to contact the Student Wellness Center immediately upon return to campus, or as directed by the College, for testing and for possible quarantine up to 14 days. 

Our current visitors policy also limits visits from anyone who is not living, learning, or working on F&M’s campus. Updated information is always available for your convenience on the fall 2020 reopening plan website.

Staff and student organizations are busy planning some fun activities to take place in the quick break between Modules 1 and 2.  We encourage you to enjoy that chance to breathe and relax after finals. Please make sure you rest, exercise, and participate in a campus program while remembering the F&M Pledge and continuing to be thoughtful and respectful of each other and our community. 

Be well,

Deb Moriarty, Ph.D.

Interim Vice President and Dean of Student Affairs