By || This piece was written by members of F&M Model UN

Dear F&M Community,

F&M Model UN strongly condemns the racist murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and others of the Black Community, many of whom were murdered at the hands of law enforcement. We also emphatically condemn the abuse of power by a number of law enforcement officials toward those who raised their voices against systemic racism. Our club and its executive board recognize the reality of systemic racism both domestically and internationally and seek to be among those who combat racism in all its forms. With a unified voice, we categorically express our support for the Black Community and say that Black Lives Matter.

As an organization which fundamentally values diversity and inclusion, we cannot remain silent about the prevalence of systemic racism in our society, as silence amounts to complicity. Racism is a disease that has plagued the very foundations of our society, and it is our duty to be part of the process of change. This change starts at the individual level, and it requires that we engage in thorough self-assessment and introspection into our own privilege to remove racism from our lives and behaviors. We must also call out racism within our own circles, be it among family or friends. Other means of combating racism include, but are by no means limited to, peaceful protests, donations to grassroots Black organizations, signing petitions, writing to local officials, educating oneself about systemic racism and privilege to be an effective ally, support for Black-owned establishments, and voting at the ballot box.

Additionally, let us not forget that racism maintains a presence here at F&M, and we have a serious responsibility to eradicate it from our own grounds. Racism has manifested itself on a number of occasions within the past few years on our campus. We must engage in a re-evaluation of our own behaviors and attitudes and individually make sure that we are doing our part in making F&M a welcoming community for minority students, faculty, and staff. Additionally, the F&M Community must come together in executing the appropriate policy changes to ensure that minority students feel welcomed at F&M and that instances of racism are met with a fair process of accountability.

During these tumultuous times, we would like to reiterate our commitment to social justice and to combating racism in all forms, especially within our campus community. We also would like to express that, as part of our role in our campus community, we are always here for you. F&M Model UN hopes that all members of the F&M Community will join us in condemning racism and in seeking to create a better, more welcoming community.

Please seek out the following resources if you are in crisis:

YWCA Lancaster 24-Hour Confidential Sexual Assault Line: 717-392-7273

Lancaster County Crisis Intervention: 717-394-2631

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741

The Trevor Lifeline (LGBTQ+ Suicide Prevention): 866-4-U-TREVOR (1-866-488-7386)

To donate to F&M Black Student Union’s protest bail fund for F&M students, please use @Unapologetic-Blacktivism on Venmo

Other places to donate to include, but are not limited to:

George Floyd Memorial Fund

I Run With Maud

Justice for Breonna Taylor

Reclaim the Block

Color of Change Educational Fund

Here are a few sources for further information:

The Aspen Institute: 11 Terms You Should Know to Better Understand Structural Racism

NYIT’s Collection of Anti-Racist Resources

Forbes: First, Listen. Then, Learn: Anti-Racism Resources For White People

Also see the following articles for self-care:

5 Digital Self Care Tips

When Police Brutality Has You Questioning Humanity and Social Media Is Enough


The F&M Model UN Executive Board

If you have any questions or concerns about this piece contact