By Jillian Krawczel ll Contributing Writer

Two months ago, I wrote a short piece about the difficulties faced by a specific sector of the F&M population in getting a mask over their very masculine, very athletic noses. Recently, a brave representative of the sport men community told me that he thought the article was rude because it falsely generalized about male athletes in a way that, if the genders were reversed, would be unacceptable. So true. The last thing I’d ever want to do is cause a man to feel uncomfortable or targeted! Especially when the Big Game is coming up, he needs all three corners of his health triangle to be in pristine condition. I totally understand, and I empathize. 

I wondered though, if he felt that the premise of the article didn’t apply to him, why did he feel like a victim? The escape from this brutal case of targeting was simple: wear a mask and maybe consider some minor touch ups on the ‘stache. Shouldn’t he, as a man who is evidently really good at wearing a mask and genetically incapable of growing facial hair, have been able to separate himself from the generalization? Is the herd mentality so strong that it makes it difficult to see oneself as a whole, independent individual? Or alternatively, is it that men’s ego cannot come at the expense of public health because of how delicate and fragile they are?

Whatever the case may be, I wanted to use this platform to confirm: yes, I’m talking about you and so is everyone else all of the time. In 2017, when Tommy Hilfiger said that Gigi Hadid could be the key to peace in the Middle East, I was like “OK, this definitely has something to do with me” and then suddenly, I was changed for the better. I did a weekend-long juice cleanse, dyed my hair blonde, and started listening to One Direction because I, too, believe so passionately in the fruitfulness of world peace. As a society, if we all could react as quickly as possible to every statement and opinion we come across, we would be SO much stronger. 

It’s often said that the modern wave of technology and the ever-demanding presence of the Internet has developed to a point that is beyond the necessary and reasonable means of human connection. Many argue that we were never meant to be so exposed to the world and all its voices. These people are seriously incorrect. Every voice matters and every message shared with the world is pertaining to you, specifically. Listen to them, internalize them, obey them, feel their sting, and react accordingly– no frontal lobe necessary. 

Senior Jillian Krawczel is a contributing writer. Her email is

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