By Garrett Largoza, Contributing Writer ||

Zebi, the café and coffee shop located in Distler Hall, has changed its name to Zime. Unlike the transition from Jazzman Café to ZeBi (Zest Bistro) two years ago — which was a complete change of menus due to a strong demand for healthy, higher quality food — this name change is simply due to a trademark licensing issue in regards with using the word ZeBi.

“[Sodexo] is an international company, so somewhere along the lines they must’ve bumped into a problem,” said Barry L. Bosley, associate vice president of administration. “It was strictly just a name change and not any kind of program change.”

Zime is essentially a newer model of ZeBi, as it still features healthy options similar to its predecessor; however, there are now more variations of these options, including unique flatbreads, customizable sandwiches, and fresh, locally-sourced salads. Most of the items available, such as teas and snacks, are organic, as Zime aims to provide healthy alternatives to the F&M community.

Additionally, Zime uses disposable products made from recycled content or alternative green products. This helps reduce the total waste collected at the College.

Another feature of Zime is the use of the DipDeal Swipes, which act as meal combinations that can be paid for with a swipe instead of cash. These swipes vary for breakfast and lunch; however, all DipDeals include a drink, such as hot tea or juice.

“I like Zime because of their sandwiches and the fact that it’s open when D-Hall isn’t,” said Ethan Crans ’18.

The café’s hours are as follows: Monday through Thursday 7:30 am to midnight; Friday 7:30 am to 6:00 pm; Saturday 11:00 am to 5:00 pm; and Sunday 11:00 am to midnight. The hours of operation are geared toward convenience, as Zime opens before classes begin and closes after classes end on weekdays.

First-year Garrett Largoza is a contributing writer. His email is