Contributing Writer

The smooth hip-hop duo Aer released its third studio album entitled, “Aer.” As a pair of guys fresh out of college, David von Merling and Carter Schultz have not changed their sound an ounce. For anyone who has not listened to Aer, imagine Hoodie Allen and Jason Mraz’s voices combined, with Jack Johnson hired to write the music. That is precisely how Aer sounds.

The new album continues to display Aer’s smooth reggae roots and acoustic beats, and continues to show the lyrical influence of attending college and past relationships. Their last album “The Bright Side” achieved great success, making the Billboard’s top 100 and hitting number one on iTunes at one point, and they expect similar success from “Aer”. The singles include “Won’t Laugh” and “Says She Loves Me”.

There is an interesting dynamic between some of the songs. Many of the songs, including the two singles, are about meeting new girls and starting new relationships. Yet, some of the songs, including “Ex” and “I’m Not Sorry,” are about break-ups and past flings.

Regardless of what the respective songs are about, they all have that distinct Fresh Aer Movement sound. The twangy guitar riffs, simple beats, and smooth rapping/singing of von Merling and Schultz are very familiar and comforting territory. It’s refreshing to find that Aer has found a style that works well and are sticking to that style.

I highly recommend checking out this album. Aer has the brilliant ability to write music that you can put on shuffle and listen to in any order for hours. Change in style can be good, but in Aer’s case, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

First-year Brien Miceli is a contributing writer. His email is bmiceli@