Some of you may have read my original article about Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner getting divorced, “Divorce and Disillusionment“. Well, there have been some updates since that article got published, and I’m here to let you all know. 

On September 20th, Turner filed a lawsuit against Jonas for refusing to allow their two children to return to England. 

Allegedly, Jonas and Turner (pre-divorce) had planned to make England their permanent home, even entering contracts in May to buy a house there. The plan was for the kids to stay with Jonas while he toured and while Turner was filming a new drama series. She would then come to New York in mid-September and take them to England. 

However, the divorce complicated things.

Turner insists that she didn’t find out that Jonas had filed for divorce until the media found out, and that Jonas’ filing incorrectly claims that the kids had been living in Florida for six months before. 

After the divorce filing, Turner and Jonas met. According to her lawsuit, Turner reiterated their agreement for the children to return to England during that meeting. In her petition, Turner claims that Jonas had the children’s passports, but refused to hand them over and allow the children to go to England with her. 

Responding to this allegation, a representative for Jonas made a statement arguing that Turner did actually know about the divorce filing prior to the media being made aware, and that neither parent was able to move the kids.

“The Florida Court has already entered an order that restricts both parents from relocating the children. Sophie was served with this order on September 6th, 2023,” the Jonas representative alleges. 

Less than a week after Turner’s lawsuit, she and Jonas reached an agreement to temporarily keep their daughters in New York while custody details are figured out. 

Taylor Swift, who has been seen out with Turner at least three times since the divorce announcement, has loaned her New York City apartment to Turner and the kids during the trial process. 

It can be assumed that the court proceedings for Turner and Jonas will continue to be messy, if the past few weeks have been any indicator of how it all can unfold. No matter what goes down, The College Reporter will make sure you have all the information!

Freshman Emily Myers is a Staff Writer. Her email is