With a streak of four undefeated games, the Franklin & Marshall Men’s Soccer team is ready for their three upcoming away games at the beginning of this 2023 fall season. The team is rising with 11 goals scored in four games, and only 3 goals conceded. In comparison, 4 goals had been scored in the first four games of last season, with one defeat and a tie. Lucky are those who believed and wagered on them on sites like link W88.

The Dips seem to be more confident in their style of play. The opening game against Stevens boosted the confidence of the players to work together and get more comfortable with the ball. With a comeback towards the end of the game (final score 2-1), this proved far from easy; the team struggled during the first half with a tactic that didn’t seem to be quite well put in the effort, creating more occasions. They used more corridors, with the help of the wingers. The ball wasn’t in the air as much as it was during the first half, and the team started to consolidate their game better and reflect on their next pass to construct a strategic opportunity toward the goal. 

After this game, the coach understood that the strength of the team was its wingers and right/left defenders, a disciplined midfield with speed and reflection, and the forward’s sharp finishing. In fact, during the next three games, we could see the ball go through the corridors much more, which was very well controlled by the players. Many occasions were created and few goals were conceded. I personally like this style of play, and it renewed confidence in our players. I think that we are on the right track for this season and the upcoming games thanks to the growth demonstrated throughout the three first games. We may have struggled a little against Elizabethtown to put the ball in the cages, but with an incredible crowd who stayed through the rain, we managed to score a winning goal (final score 1-0).

The previous game against Lebanon Valley was won thanks to a comeback from the team, which provided another boost of confidence(final score 3-2). All of these complicated victories led to the players becoming a tight team on the field, with communication and smart calls leading to great actions. That’s why, in my opinion, the best game we’ve played so far in 2023 was against Rosemont. The style of play, the goals, and the clean sheet with no goals conceded made it pleasant to watch and support. Each player on the field was bringing something to the team, allowing long passes, a phase of construction before every goal, and occasions leading to fearless shooting. I was afraid that all the substitutions were going to undermine the dynamic already in place, but it just allowed players to show their capacities, with technique, passes, reflections, and actions. The Dips will be back at Tylus field on Saturday 23rd of September, hopefully with a 5th home win.

Agathe Vanmassenhove is The College Reporter‘s Sports Writer. Her email is avanmass@fandm.edu.