By Amani Dobson || Campus Life Editor

Munahil Sultana is a first year at Franklin and Marshall. I recently emailed with her during her move in to Franklin and Marshall to ask a few questions about her life and what she looks forward to most starting her first semester here. 

Q: Where are you from? What made you choose to attend F&M?

A: I’m from New York and I chose F&M because it has an incredibly supportive atmosphere and a close knit community. I am planning on majoring in International Relations and Government. I’m hoping to join Model UN and First Generation Diplomats and Mock Trial on campus.

Q: What are some of your passions?

A: I’m really passionate about foreign affairs and human rights. I am an avid supporter for BLM and I hope to increase voter turnout in the U.S. I hope to work in foreign affairs and create a sustainable environment for developing nations. As a first generation low income student, I try my best to provide resources for other FGLI students and help the college transition.

Along with that answer, Munahil provided insight into some of the work she’s done at home. She worked on local New York campaigns as well as for the New York State Assembly. Munahil also mentioned how her Model UN team back at home was extremely competitive and was even nationally ranked! She hopes to join the Model UN team at Franklin and Marshall as they reach that level as well. 

I got to ask Munahil some questions about coming to college and leaving her home. 

Q: What are you looking forward to most about starting college in a new place? What are you least looking forward to/ nervous about? 

A: I’m excited to be in Lancaster but I’m definitely nervous to leave New York! It’s a difficult transition to come from an urban environment to Lancaster. I’m looking forward to meeting people on campus and getting boba downtown!

Q: What are you interested in exploring in Lancaster?

A: I love the close-knit community in Lancaster and would love to explore diners and coffee shops near campus!

Q: In what ways do you hope to grow and change while in college?

A: I hope to learn more about myself and to prioritize my mental and physical health during college. Throughout these next 4 years, I hope to learn financial literacy and professional development skills.

In order to get to know Munahil a bit better personally outside of academics, I asked a few questions about her family. I came to learn that Munahil has a family that is full of immigrants from Pakistan and she was the first one to be born here in the United States. 

Outside of her family, Munahil wishes to study abroad in Egypt and Morrocco. Because she will be studying Arabic at F&M and wants a career in the State Department, she hopes that she will travel a lot more and build her language skills. 

Finally, I asked Munahil what it was like to graduate high school and begin a new chapter of her life during COVID-19. She replied saying, “It’s definitely weird to graduate during a pandemic and while I wish things were different, I am hopeful that things will be better. I wish I was able to have the “prom experience” or a normal graduation. I wish I was able to say goodbye properly to my high school life but I am eager to begin my new life in Lancaster. I wish we were able to stay on campus for the spring but I hope COVID cases in PA go down to the point that we are able to.”

After speaking with Munahil through email I felt the excitement she had to start college and begin to make change in the world. It is clear that the incoming first years have so much to bring to Franklin and Marshall’s campus!

Sophomore Amani Dobson is Campus Life Editor. Her email is