By Gabby Goodwin || Managing Editor

As my time at F&M has come to a close, I would like to take the time to thank some of the people and organizations that have had a positive and significant impact in my life these past four years. First, I would like to thank the F&M Admissions Office and my tour guide family. Having the opportunity to be a Tour Guide at F&M my past three years has brought me nothing but happiness, as I was welcomed with open arms into a kind and loving community that gave me the opportunity to do the things I love to do most–talk to people and be overly enthusiastic. I will forever be grateful for the amazing people that work in the Admissions Office and for the opportunity to be a Tour Guide, as giving tours is something I never knew I would love so much. 

To add, I would also like to thank those that are so generous in their donations to F&M each year. Without these people, I would not have been given the opportunity to study abroad in Salamanca, Spain during the summer and do research, nor would I have had the opportunity to pursue volunteer internships in physical therapy at both Columbia University and NYU. With money from donors to both OSPGD and the Joseph International Center, I was given the opportunity to have a handful of once in a lifetime experiences that opened my eyes to the world outside of my F&M bubble. I am forever grateful for these experiences and all I’ve learned from them–no singular thank you can ever best put into words how to express this sentiment. 

Further, thank you to my DCF family! While becoming a part of DCF is not something I fully immersed myself into until my junior year, I am forever grateful for the amazing and wonderful people I became so close with these past two years. Through DCF, I have learned so much about myself and my religion, and there are not enough thank yous out there for Scott Evans and all that he has done for myself and all of the other student athletes at F&M. 

Last, but not least, I would like to thank my College Reporter family. To the people that have given me a place to call home these past four years, have been there with me through all of my ups and downs, and have been supportive of letting my voice be heard, thank you. Thank you for giving me a set of people that I will forever be close with no matter where life after F&M takes me, and thank you for helping me to find my love for journalism. Though the little office on the second floor of College Center might be small, the words that are printed in the newspaper every week are mighty. The College Reporter is a place for all of our voices to be heard, and I have been so fortunate for it to listen to mine these past four years!