BSU Scholar Strike Draws Large Turnout
By Rohail Spear||Contributing Writer & Ellyn Fritz||News Editor Photos Courtesy of Elena Robustelli Organized by The Black Student Union and supported by the office of the VP for Diversity, Equity,…
The independent student newspaper of Franklin & Marshall College
By Rohail Spear||Contributing Writer & Ellyn Fritz||News Editor Photos Courtesy of Elena Robustelli Organized by The Black Student Union and supported by the office of the VP for Diversity, Equity,…
By Lily Vining || Contributing Writer Freshman year of college is full of countless firsts. This is the year that many young adults first experience living on their own and…
By Olivia Schmid || Columnist Some people say that self-help books are useless and taboo; however, I would argue that personal development books (such as the one we will be…
Amy A. Myers, M.D. Fri, Sep 11, 12:20 PM There apparently has been some ongoing confusion with regards to contact tracing, who is considered a close contact, testing of…
PORT Announcements Tue, Sep 8, 5:00 PM F&M COVID-19 Alert Level as of September 8, 2020 F&M COVID-19 Dashboard as of September 8, 2020 Full-Time Students Total 2263 Students…
Amy A. Myers, M.D. Tue, Sep 8, 1:37 PM There seems to be a lot of confusion regarding what isolation and quarantine mean in the current covid environment. I…
By F&M Educational Policy Committee In response to Trinity Nguyen’s recent Op-Ed in the College Reporter, we, the members of the Educational Policy Committee, would like briefly to revisit the…
By Ellyn Fritz||News Editor The role of Franklin & Marshall’s House Advisors (HAs) has drastically changed due to the implications of the pandemic; however, F&M’s HAs in first-year college houses…
By Ellyn Fritz|| News Editor Throughout the summer, Franklin & Marshall students were periodically updated on the college’s plan for reopening. In an effort to de-densify campus, students were informed…
By Olivia Schmid || Contributing Writer La Petite Patisserie is a full-service bakery and café that recently opened on Harrisburg Pike’s College Row, situated near Iron Hill Brewery, Oka Asian…
By Trinity Nguyen || Contributing Writer Photo Courtesy of On June 22nd, two months before the start of the Fall 2020 semester, F&M announced the implementation of the 2020…
By Sarah Nicell || Contributing Writer Because the United States is a representative democracy, the people we elect to serve as officials embody American ideals. Who we choose to run…
By Diana Lichtenstein || Satirical Columnist If you aren’t sitting down, please do, for I have some frightening news. According to Google, the cuffing season starts in October and ends…
By Ellyn Fritz || News Editor Did anybody else feel socially awkward when arriving back to school? After close to six months of (almost) house arrest, transitioning to life around…
By Alison Waller || Contributing Writer In many town halls, F&M promised students that those who would be learning remotely would not miss out on the true F&M experience. After…