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The independent student newspaper of Franklin & Marshall College
Hey F&M- Check out Park City Diner! Great deal below! This ad is sponsored by Park City Diner.
By Mike Krauss, ‘71 || According to the federal government, the American economy has come roaring back. The second quarter GDP (Gross Domestic Product) was reported to be growing at…
By Joseph Yamulla, Contributing Writer || The NBA season officially kicked off this past week as teams reported to training camp. Every season is highly anticipated by basketball fans. However,…
By Sophie Afdhal, Sports Editor || Men’s soccer continued what has been a strong, undefeated season with a 1-0 win against the also undefeated Muhlenberg College in double overtime. The…
Aditya Ramachandran, Staff Writer || Though the United Nations General Assembly attracted a significant amount of attention, the presence of one world leader seemed to dominate the American media earlier…
By Miguel Diaz, Contributing Writer || The Common Wheel, a Lancaster organization founded by resident Chris Caldwell, hopes to promote bicycle use and make Lancaster a more bike-friendly city. The…
Garrett Largoza, Contributing Writer || Since Sept. 26, protests in support of democratic process have been taking place in Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China. The protests focus on genuine…
By Steven Viera, News Editor || Dan Porterfield, president of the College, spoke at a White House workshop on Monday, Sept. 22, where he discussed the need to strengthen programs…
By Samantha Greenfield, Contributing Writer || Terry Madonna, director of the Center for Politics and Public Affairs at F&M, served as a moderator in the panel discussion at this past…
By Julia Chirls, Staff Writer || Lady Antebellum fans eagerly waited until Sept. 30 for the country band’s album release. The careers of the band members began early when they…
By Preman Koshar, Staff Writer || Maroon 5’s fifth album, V (pronounced “five”), is, at the same time, something new and something old. The album was released Aug. 29, a…